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GitHub Repository: pytorch/tutorials
Path: blob/main/advanced_source/cpp_custom_ops.rst
Views: 494
.. _cpp-custom-ops-tutorial:

Custom C++ and CUDA Operators

**Author:** `Richard Zou <>`_

.. grid:: 2

    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`mortar-board;1em;` What you will learn
       :class-card: card-prerequisites

       * How to integrate custom operators written in C++/CUDA with PyTorch
       * How to test custom operators using ``torch.library.opcheck``

    .. grid-item-card:: :octicon:`list-unordered;1em;` Prerequisites
       :class-card: card-prerequisites

       * PyTorch 2.4 or later
       * Basic understanding of C++ and CUDA programming

PyTorch offers a large library of operators that work on Tensors (e.g. torch.add, torch.sum, etc).
However, you may wish to bring a new custom operator to PyTorch. This tutorial demonstrates the
blessed path to authoring a custom operator written in C++/CUDA.

For our tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to author a fused multiply-add C++
and CUDA operator that composes with PyTorch subsystems. The semantics of
the operation are as follows:

.. code-block:: python

  def mymuladd(a: Tensor, b: Tensor, c: float):
      return a * b + c

You can find the end-to-end working example for this tutorial
`here <>`_ .

Setting up the Build System

If you are developing custom C++/CUDA code, it must be compiled.
Note that if you’re interfacing with a Python library that already has bindings
to precompiled C++/CUDA code, you might consider writing a custom Python operator
instead (:ref:`python-custom-ops-tutorial`).

Use `torch.utils.cpp_extension <>`_
to compile custom C++/CUDA code for use with PyTorch
C++ extensions may be built either "ahead of time" with setuptools, or "just in time"
via `load_inline <>`_;
we’ll focus on the "ahead of time" flavor.

Using ``cpp_extension`` is as simple as writing the following ````:

.. code-block:: python

  from setuptools import setup, Extension
  from torch.utils import cpp_extension

            cpp_extension.CppExtension("extension_cpp", ["muladd.cpp"])],
        cmdclass={'build_ext': cpp_extension.BuildExtension})

If you need to compile CUDA code (for example, ``.cu`` files), then instead use
`torch.utils.cpp_extension.CUDAExtension <>`_.
Please see how
`extension-cpp <>`_ for an example for
how this is set up.

Defining the custom op and adding backend implementations
First, let's write a C++ function that computes ``mymuladd``:

.. code-block:: cpp

   at::Tensor mymuladd_cpu(at::Tensor a, const at::Tensor& b, double c) {
     TORCH_CHECK(a.sizes() == b.sizes());
     TORCH_CHECK(a.dtype() == at::kFloat);
     TORCH_CHECK(b.dtype() == at::kFloat);
     TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(a.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
     TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(b.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
     at::Tensor a_contig = a.contiguous();
     at::Tensor b_contig = b.contiguous();
     at::Tensor result = torch::empty(a_contig.sizes(), a_contig.options());
     const float* a_ptr = a_contig.data_ptr<float>();
     const float* b_ptr = b_contig.data_ptr<float>();
     float* result_ptr = result.data_ptr<float>();
     for (int64_t i = 0; i < result.numel(); i++) {
       result_ptr[i] = a_ptr[i] * b_ptr[i] + c;
     return result;

In order to use this from PyTorch’s Python frontend, we need to register it
as a PyTorch operator using the ``TORCH_LIBRARY`` API. This will automatically
bind the operator to Python.

Operator registration is a two step-process:

- **Defining the operator** - This step ensures that PyTorch is aware of the new operator.
- **Registering backend implementations** - In this step, implementations for various
  backends, such as CPU and CUDA, are associated with the operator.

Defining an operator
To define an operator, follow these steps:

1. select a namespace for an operator. We recommend the namespace be the name of your top-level
   project; we’ll use "extension_cpp" in our tutorial.
2. provide a schema string that specifies the input/output types of the operator and if an
   input Tensors will be mutated. We support more types in addition to Tensor and float;
   please see `The Custom Operators Manual <>`_
   for more details.

   * If you are authoring an operator that can mutate its input Tensors, please see here
     (:ref:`mutable-ops`) for how to specify that.

.. code-block:: cpp

  TORCH_LIBRARY(extension_cpp, m) {
     // Note that "float" in the schema corresponds to the C++ double type
     // and the Python float type.
     m.def("mymuladd(Tensor a, Tensor b, float c) -> Tensor");

This makes the operator available from Python via ``torch.ops.extension_cpp.mymuladd``.

Registering backend implementations for an operator
Use ``TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL`` to register a backend implementation for the operator.

.. code-block:: cpp

   TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(extension_cpp, CPU, m) {
     m.impl("mymuladd", &mymuladd_cpu);

If you also have a CUDA implementation of ``myaddmul``, you can register it
in a separate ``TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL`` block:

.. code-block:: cpp

  __global__ void muladd_kernel(int numel, const float* a, const float* b, float c, float* result) {
    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (idx < numel) result[idx] = a[idx] * b[idx] + c;

  at::Tensor mymuladd_cuda(const at::Tensor& a, const at::Tensor& b, double c) {
    TORCH_CHECK(a.sizes() == b.sizes());
    TORCH_CHECK(a.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_CHECK(b.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(a.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CUDA);
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(b.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CUDA);
    at::Tensor a_contig = a.contiguous();
    at::Tensor b_contig = b.contiguous();
    at::Tensor result = torch::empty(a_contig.sizes(), a_contig.options());
    const float* a_ptr = a_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    const float* b_ptr = b_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    float* result_ptr = result.data_ptr<float>();

    int numel = a_contig.numel();
    muladd_kernel<<<(numel+255)/256, 256>>>(numel, a_ptr, b_ptr, c, result_ptr);
    return result;

  TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(extension_cpp, CUDA, m) {
    m.impl("mymuladd", &mymuladd_cuda);

Adding ``torch.compile`` support for an operator

To add ``torch.compile`` support for an operator, we must add a FakeTensor kernel (also
known as a "meta kernel" or "abstract impl"). FakeTensors are Tensors that have
metadata (such as shape, dtype, device) but no data: the FakeTensor kernel for an
operator specifies how to compute the metadata of output tensors given the metadata of input tensors.
The FakeTensor kernel should return dummy Tensors of your choice with
the correct Tensor metadata (shape/strides/``dtype``/device).

We recommend that this be done from Python via the `torch.library.register_fake` API,
though it is possible to do this from C++ as well (see
`The Custom Operators Manual <>`_
for more details).

.. code-block:: python

  # Important: the C++ custom operator definitions should be loaded first
  # before calling ``torch.library`` APIs that add registrations for the
  # C++ custom operator(s). The following import loads our
  # C++ custom operator definitions.
  # See the next section for more details.
  from . import _C

  def _(a, b, c):
      torch._check(a.shape == b.shape)
      torch._check(a.dtype == torch.float)
      torch._check(b.dtype == torch.float)
      torch._check(a.device == b.device)
      return torch.empty_like(a)

Setting up hybrid Python/C++ registration
In this tutorial, we defined a custom operator in C++, added CPU/CUDA
implementations in C++, and added ``FakeTensor`` kernels and backward formulas
in Python. The order in which these registrations are loaded (or imported)
matters (importing in the wrong order will lead to an error).

To use the custom operator with hybrid Python/C++ registrations, we must
first load the C++ library that holds the custom operator definition
and then call the ``torch.library`` registration APIs. This can happen in one
of two ways:

1. If you're following this tutorial, importing the Python C extension module
   we created will load the C++ custom operator definitions.
2. If your C++ custom operator is located in a shared library object, you can
   also use ``torch.ops.load_library("/path/to/")`` to load it.

Adding training (autograd) support for an operator
Use ``torch.library.register_autograd`` to add training support for an operator. Prefer
this over directly using Python ``torch.autograd.Function`` or C++ ``torch::autograd::Function``;
you must use those in a very specific way to avoid silent incorrectness (see
`The Custom Operators Manual <>`_
for more details).

.. code-block:: python

  def _backward(ctx, grad):
      a, b = ctx.saved_tensors
      grad_a, grad_b = None, None
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
          grad_a = grad * b
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
          grad_b = grad * a
      return grad_a, grad_b, None

  def _setup_context(ctx, inputs, output):
      a, b, c = inputs
      saved_a, saved_b = None, None
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
          saved_b = b
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
          saved_a = a
      ctx.save_for_backward(saved_a, saved_b)

  # This code adds training support for the operator. You must provide us
  # the backward formula for the operator and a `setup_context` function
  # to save values to be used in the backward.
      "extension_cpp::mymuladd", _backward, setup_context=_setup_context)

Note that the backward must be a composition of PyTorch-understood operators.
If you wish to use another custom C++ or CUDA kernel in your backwards pass,
it must be wrapped into a custom operator.

If we had our own custom ``mymul`` kernel, we would need to wrap it into a
custom operator and then call that from the backward:

.. code-block:: cpp

  // New! a mymul_cpu kernel
  at::Tensor mymul_cpu(const at::Tensor& a, const at::Tensor& b) {
    TORCH_CHECK(a.sizes() == b.sizes());
    TORCH_CHECK(a.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_CHECK(b.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_CHECK(a.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
    TORCH_CHECK(b.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
    at::Tensor a_contig = a.contiguous();
    at::Tensor b_contig = b.contiguous();
    at::Tensor result = torch::empty(a_contig.sizes(), a_contig.options());
    const float* a_ptr = a_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    const float* b_ptr = b_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    float* result_ptr = result.data_ptr<float>();
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < result.numel(); i++) {
      result_ptr[i] = a_ptr[i] * b_ptr[i];
    return result;

  TORCH_LIBRARY(extension_cpp, m) {
    m.def("mymuladd(Tensor a, Tensor b, float c) -> Tensor");
    // New! defining the mymul operator
    m.def("mymul(Tensor a, Tensor b) -> Tensor");

  TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(extension_cpp, CPU, m) {
    m.impl("mymuladd", &mymuladd_cpu);
    // New! registering the cpu kernel for the mymul operator
    m.impl("mymul", &mymul_cpu);

.. code-block:: python

  def _backward(ctx, grad):
      a, b = ctx.saved_tensors
      grad_a, grad_b = None, None
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
          grad_a = torch.ops.extension_cpp.mymul.default(grad, b)
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
          grad_b = torch.ops.extension_cpp.mymul.default(grad, a)
      return grad_a, grad_b, None

  def _setup_context(ctx, inputs, output):
      a, b, c = inputs
      saved_a, saved_b = None, None
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
          saved_b = b
      if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
          saved_a = a
      ctx.save_for_backward(saved_a, saved_b)

  # This code adds training support for the operator. You must provide us
  # the backward formula for the operator and a `setup_context` function
  # to save values to be used in the backward.
      "extension_cpp::mymuladd", _backward, setup_context=_setup_context)

Testing an operator
Use ``torch.library.opcheck`` to test that the custom op was registered correctly.
Note that this function does not test that the gradients are mathematically correct
-- plan to write separate tests for that, either manual ones or by using

.. code-block:: python

  def sample_inputs(device, *, requires_grad=False):
      def make_tensor(*size):
          return torch.randn(size, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)

      def make_nondiff_tensor(*size):
          return torch.randn(size, device=device, requires_grad=False)

      return [
          [make_tensor(3), make_tensor(3), 1],
          [make_tensor(20), make_tensor(20), 3.14],
          [make_tensor(20), make_nondiff_tensor(20), -123],
          [make_nondiff_tensor(2, 3), make_tensor(2, 3), -0.3],

  def reference_muladd(a, b, c):
      return a * b + c

  samples = sample_inputs(device, requires_grad=True)
  samples.extend(sample_inputs(device, requires_grad=False))
  for args in samples:
      # Correctness test
      result = torch.ops.extension_cpp.mymuladd(*args)
      expected = reference_muladd(*args)
      torch.testing.assert_close(result, expected)

      # Use opcheck to check for incorrect usage of operator registration APIs
      torch.library.opcheck(torch.ops.extension_cpp.mymuladd.default, args)

.. _mutable-ops:

Creating mutable operators
You may wish to author a custom operator that mutates its inputs. Use ``Tensor(a!)``
to specify each mutable Tensor in the schema; otherwise, there will be undefined
behavior. If there are multiple mutated Tensors, use different names (for example, ``Tensor(a!)``,
``Tensor(b!)``, ``Tensor(c!)``) for each mutable Tensor.

Let's author a ``myadd_out(a, b, out)`` operator, which writes the contents of ``a+b`` into ``out``.

.. code-block:: cpp

  // An example of an operator that mutates one of its inputs.
  void myadd_out_cpu(const at::Tensor& a, const at::Tensor& b, at::Tensor& out) {
    TORCH_CHECK(a.sizes() == b.sizes());
    TORCH_CHECK(b.sizes() == out.sizes());
    TORCH_CHECK(a.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_CHECK(b.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_CHECK(out.dtype() == at::kFloat);
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(a.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(b.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
    TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(out.device().type() == at::DeviceType::CPU);
    at::Tensor a_contig = a.contiguous();
    at::Tensor b_contig = b.contiguous();
    const float* a_ptr = a_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    const float* b_ptr = b_contig.data_ptr<float>();
    float* result_ptr = out.data_ptr<float>();
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < out.numel(); i++) {
      result_ptr[i] = a_ptr[i] + b_ptr[i];

When defining the operator, we must specify that it mutates the out Tensor in the schema:

.. code-block:: cpp

  TORCH_LIBRARY(extension_cpp, m) {
    m.def("mymuladd(Tensor a, Tensor b, float c) -> Tensor");
    m.def("mymul(Tensor a, Tensor b) -> Tensor");
    // New!
    m.def("myadd_out(Tensor a, Tensor b, Tensor(a!) out) -> ()");

  TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(extension_cpp, CPU, m) {
    m.impl("mymuladd", &mymuladd_cpu);
    m.impl("mymul", &mymul_cpu);
    // New!
    m.impl("myadd_out", &myadd_out_cpu);

.. note::

  Do not return any mutated Tensors as outputs of the operator as this will
  cause incompatibility with PyTorch subsystems like ``torch.compile``.

In this tutorial, we went over the recommended approach to integrating Custom C++
and CUDA operators with PyTorch. The ``TORCH_LIBRARY/torch.library`` APIs are fairly
low-level. For more information about how to use the API, see
`The Custom Operators Manual <>`_.