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GitHub Repository: pytorch/tutorials
Path: blob/main/advanced_source/generic_join.rst
Views: 494
Distributed Training with Uneven Inputs Using the Join Context Manager

**Author**\ : `Andrew Gu <>`_

.. note::
   |edit| View and edit this tutorial in `github <>`__.

.. note:: ``Join`` is introduced in PyTorch 1.10 as a prototype feature. This
    API is subject to change.

In this tutorial, you will see:

- An overview of the `Join`_ context manager.
- An example of how to use the context manager with ``DistributedDataParallel``.
- An example of how to use the context manager with both
  ``DistributedDataParallel`` and ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer``.
- An example of passing in keyword arguments to the context manager.
- A dive into how the `Join`_ context manager works.
- An example showing how to make a toy class compatible with the context


- PyTorch 1.10+
- `Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel`_
- `Shard Optimizer States with ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`_

What is ``Join``?
In `Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel - Basic Use Case`_, you saw
the general skeleton for using `DistributedDataParallel`_ to perform data
parallel training. This implicitly schedules all-reduces in each backward pass
to synchronize gradients across ranks. Such `collective communications
<>`__ require participation
from all ranks in the process group, so if a rank has fewer inputs, then the
other ranks will hang or error (depending on the backend). More generally, this
problem persists for any class that performs per-iteration synchronous
collective communications.

``Join`` is a context manager to be used around your per-rank training loop to
facilitate training with uneven inputs. The context manager allows the ranks
that exhaust their inputs early (i.e. *join* early) to shadow the collective
communications performed by those that have not yet joined. The ways in which
the communications are shadowed are specified by hooks.

Using ``Join`` with ``DistributedDataParallel``
PyTorch's `DistributedDataParallel`_ works out-of-the-box with the ``Join``
context manager. Here is an example usage:


    import os
    import torch
    import torch.distributed as dist
    import torch.multiprocessing as mp
    from torch.distributed.algorithms.join import Join
    from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP

    BACKEND = "nccl"
    WORLD_SIZE = 2
    NUM_INPUTS = 5

    def worker(rank):
        os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
        os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500'
        dist.init_process_group(BACKEND, rank=rank, world_size=WORLD_SIZE)

        model = DDP(torch.nn.Linear(1, 1).to(rank), device_ids=[rank])
        # Rank 1 gets one more input than rank 0
        inputs = [torch.tensor([1]).float() for _ in range(NUM_INPUTS + rank)]

        num_inputs = 0
        with Join([model]):
            for input in inputs:
                num_inputs += 1
                loss = model(input).sum()

        print(f"Rank {rank} has exhausted all {num_inputs} of its inputs!")

    def main():
        mp.spawn(worker, nprocs=WORLD_SIZE, join=True)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

This produces the following output (where the ``print()`` s from rank 0 and
rank 1 may be arbitrarily ordered):


  Rank 0 has exhausted all 5 of its inputs!
  Rank 1 has exhausted all 6 of its inputs!

.. note::
    `DistributedDataParallel`_ provided its own `join()`_ context manager
    prior to the introduction of this generic ``Join`` context manager. In the
    above example, using ``with Join([model]):`` is equivalent to using
    ``with model.join():``. One limitation of the existing
    ``DistributedDataParallel.join()`` is that it does not allow multiple
    participating classes, e.g. ``DistributedDataParallel`` and
    `ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`_ together.

Using ``Join`` with ``DistributedDataParallel`` and ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer``
The ``Join`` context manager works not only with a single class but also with
multiple classes together. PyTorch's ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` is also
compatible with the context manager, so here, we examine how to modify the
previous example to use both ``DistributedDataParallel`` and


    from torch.distributed.optim import ZeroRedundancyOptimizer as ZeRO
    from torch.optim import Adam

    def worker(rank):
        os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
        os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500'
        dist.init_process_group(BACKEND, rank=rank, world_size=WORLD_SIZE)

        model = DDP(torch.nn.Linear(1, 1).to(rank), device_ids=[rank])
        optim = ZeRO(model.parameters(), Adam, lr=0.01)
        # Rank 1 gets one more input than rank 0
        inputs = [torch.tensor([1]).float() for _ in range(NUM_INPUTS + rank)]

        num_inputs = 0
        # Pass both `model` and `optim` into `Join()`
        with Join([model, optim]):
            for input in inputs:
                num_inputs += 1
                loss = model(input).sum()

        print(f"Rank {rank} has exhausted all {num_inputs} of its inputs!")

This will yield the same output as before. The notable change was
additionally passing in the ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` instance into

Passing Keyword Arguments
Classes may provide keyword arguments that modify their behavior in the context
manager at run time. For example, ``DistributedDataParallel`` provides an
argument ``divide_by_initial_world_size``, which determines if gradients are
divided by the initial world size or by the effective world size (i.e. number
of non-joined ranks). Such keyword arguments can be passed directly into the
context manager.


    with Join([model, optim], divide_by_initial_world_size=False):
        for input in inputs:

.. warning::
    The keyword arguments passed into the context manager are shared across
    all participating classes. This should not be a limitation since we do
    not expect cases where multiple ``Joinable`` s need differing settings
    of the same argument. Nonetheless, this is something to keep in mind.

How Does ``Join`` Work?
Now that we have seen some preliminary examples of how to use the ``Join``
context manager, let us delve deeper into how it works. This will provide a
greater insight into the full capability that it offers and prepare you to make
your own custom classes compatible. Here, we will go over the ``Join`` class as
well as the supporting classes ``Joinable`` and ``JoinHook``.


To begin, classes compatible with the ``Join`` context manager must inherit
from the abstract base class ``Joinable``. In particular, a ``Joinable`` must

- ``join_hook(self, **kwargs) -> JoinHook``

This returns the ``JoinHook`` instance for the ``Joinable``, determining how
joined processes should shadow the per-iteration collective communications
performed by the ``Joinable``.

- ``join_device(self) -> torch.device``

This returns a device to be used by the ``Join`` context manager to perform
collective communications, e.g. ``torch.device("cuda:0")`` or

- ``join_process_group(self) -> ProcessGroup``

This returns the process group to be used by the ``Join`` context manager to
perform collective communications.

In particular, the ``join_device`` and ``join_process_group`` are required
attributes to ensure that the context manager can schedule collective
communications between joined and non-joined processes. One usage is to count
the number of non-joined processes on each iteration using an all-reduce.
Another usage is for implementing the mechanism required for
``throw_on_early_termination=True``, which we will explain later below.

``DistributedDataParallel`` and ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` already inherit
from ``Joinable`` and implement the above methods, which is why we could
directly use them in the previous examples.

``Joinable`` classes should make sure to call the ``Joinable`` constructor
since it initializes a ``JoinConfig`` instance, which is used internally by
the context manager to ensure correctness. This will be saved in each
``Joinable`` as a field ``_join_config``.


Next, let us break down the ``JoinHook`` class. A ``JoinHook`` provides two
entry points into a context manager:

- ``main_hook(self) -> None``

This hook is called repeatedly by each joined rank while there exists a rank
that has not yet joined. It is meant to shadow the collective communications
performed by the ``Joinable`` in each training iteration (e.g. in one forward
pass, backward pass, and optimizer step).

- ``post_hook(self, is_last_joiner: bool) -> None``

This hook is called once all ranks have joined. It is passed an additional
``bool`` argument ``is_last_joiner``, which indicates if the rank was one of
the last to join. The argument may be useful for synchronization.

To give concrete examples of what these hooks may look like, the provided
``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` main hook performs an optimizer step per normal
since the joined rank is still responsible for updating and synchronizing its
shard of the parameters, and the provided ``DistributedDataParallel`` post-hook
broadcasts the final updated model from one of the last joining ranks to ensure
that it is the same across all ranks.


Finally, let us examine how these fit into the ``Join`` class itself.

- ``__init__(self, joinables: List[Joinable], enable: bool = True, throw_on_early_termination: bool = False)``

As we saw in the previous examples, the constructor takes in a list of the
``Joinable`` s that participate in the training loop. These should be the
classes that perform collective communications in each iteration.

``enable`` is a ``bool`` that can be set to ``False`` if you know that there
will not be uneven inputs, in which case the context manager becomes vacuous
similar to ``contextlib.nullcontext()``. This also may disable join-related
computation in the participating ``Joinable`` s.

``throw_on_early_termination`` is a ``bool`` that can be set to ``True`` to
have each rank raise an exception the moment that uneven inputs are detected.
This is useful for cases that do not conform to the context manager's
requirements, which is most typically when there are collective communications
from different classes that may be arbitrarily interleaved, such as when using
``DistributedDataParallel`` with a model that has ``SyncBatchNorm`` layers. In
such cases, this argument should be set to ``True`` so that the application
logic can catch the exception and determine how to proceed.

- The core logic occurs in the ``__exit__()`` method, which loops while there
  exists a non-joined rank, calling each ``Joinable`` 's main hook, and
  then once all ranks have joined, calls their post hooks. Both the main hooks
  and post-hooks are iterated over in the order that the ``Joinable`` s are
  passed in.

- The context manager requires a heartbeat from non-joined processes. As such,
  each ``Joinable`` class should make a call to ``Join.notify_join_context()``
  before its per-iteration collective communications. The context manager will
  ensure that only the first ``Joinable`` passed in actually sends the

.. warning:: As mentioned above regarding ``throw_on_early_termination``, the
    ``Join`` context manager is not compatible with certain compositions of
    classes. The ``Joinable`` 's ``JoinHook`` s must be serializable since each
    hook is fully executed before proceeding to the next. In other words, two
    hooks cannot overlap. Moreover, currently, both the main hooks and post-
    hooks are iterated over in the same deterministic order. If this appears to
    be a major limitation, we may modify the API to permit a customizable

Making a Toy Class Work with ``Join``
Since the previous section introduced several concepts, let us see them in
practice with a toy example. Here, we will implement a class that counts the
number of inputs that are seen across all ranks before its rank joins. This
should provide a basic idea of how you may make your own class compatible
with the ``Join`` context manager.

Specifically, the following code has each rank print out (1) the number of
inputs across all ranks that seen before it joins and (2) the total number
of inputs across all ranks.


    import os
    import torch
    import torch.distributed as dist
    import torch.multiprocessing as mp
    from torch.distributed.algorithms.join import Join, Joinable, JoinHook

    BACKEND = "nccl"
    WORLD_SIZE = 2
    NUM_INPUTS = 5

    class CounterJoinHook(JoinHook):
        Join hook for :class:`Counter`.

            counter (Counter): the :class:`Counter` object using this hook.
            sync_max_count (bool): whether to sync the max count once all ranks
        def __init__(
            self.counter = counter
            self.sync_max_count = sync_max_count

        def main_hook(self):
            Shadows the counter's all-reduce by all-reducing a dim-1 zero tensor.
            t = torch.zeros(1, device=self.counter.device)

        def post_hook(self, is_last_joiner: bool):
            Synchronizes the max count across all :class:`Counter` s if
            if not self.sync_max_count:
            rank = dist.get_rank(self.counter.process_group)
            common_rank = self.counter.find_common_rank(rank, is_last_joiner)
            if rank == common_rank:
                self.counter.max_count = self.counter.count.detach().clone()
            dist.broadcast(self.counter.max_count, src=common_rank)

    class Counter(Joinable):
        Example :class:`Joinable` that counts the number of training iterations
        that it participates in.
        def __init__(self, device, process_group):
            super(Counter, self).__init__()
            self.device = device
            self.process_group = process_group
            self.count = torch.tensor([0], device=device).float()
            self.max_count = torch.tensor([0], device=device).float()

        def __call__(self):
            Counts the number of inputs processed on this iteration by all ranks
            by all-reducing a dim-1 one tensor; increments its own internal count.
            t = torch.ones(1, device=self.device).float()
            self.count += t

        def join_hook(self, **kwargs) -> JoinHook:
            Return a join hook that shadows the all-reduce in :meth:`__call__`.
            This join hook supports the following keyword arguments:
                sync_max_count (bool, optional): whether to synchronize the maximum
                    count across all ranks once all ranks join; default is ``False``.
            sync_max_count = kwargs.get("sync_max_count", False)
            return CounterJoinHook(self, sync_max_count)

        def join_device(self) -> torch.device:
            return self.device

        def join_process_group(self):
            return self.process_group

        def find_common_rank(self, rank, to_consider):
            Returns the max rank of the ones to consider over the process group.
            common_rank = torch.tensor([rank if to_consider else -1], device=self.device)
            dist.all_reduce(common_rank, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=self.process_group)
            common_rank = common_rank.item()
            return common_rank

    def worker(rank):
        assert torch.cuda.device_count() >= WORLD_SIZE
        os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
        os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500'
        dist.init_process_group(BACKEND, rank=rank, world_size=WORLD_SIZE)

        counter = Counter(torch.device(f"cuda:{rank}"),
        inputs = [torch.tensor([1]).float() for _ in range(NUM_INPUTS + rank)]

        with Join([counter], sync_max_count=True):
            for _ in inputs:

        print(f"{int(counter.count.item())} inputs processed before rank {rank} joined!")
        print(f"{int(counter.max_count.item())} inputs processed across all ranks!")

    def main():
        mp.spawn(worker, nprocs=WORLD_SIZE, join=True)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

Since rank 0 sees 5 inputs and rank 1 sees 6, this yields the output:


    10 inputs processed before rank 0 joined!
    11 inputs processed across all ranks!
    11 inputs processed before rank 1 joined!
    11 inputs processed across all ranks!

Some key points to highlight:

- A ``Counter`` instance performs a single all-reduce per iteration, so the
  main hook performs a single all-reduce as well to shadow it.

- The ``Counter`` class makes a call to ``Join.notify_join_context()`` at the
  beginning of its ``__call__()`` method since that is a place before its per-
  iteration collective communications (i.e. its all-reduce).

- The ``is_last_joiner`` argument is used to determine the broadcast source in
  the post-hooks.

- We pass in the ``sync_max_count`` keyword argument to the context manager,
  which is then forwarded to ``Counter`` 's join hook.

.. _Join:
.. _Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel:
.. _Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel - Basic Use Case:
.. _Shard Optimizer States with ZeroRedundancyOptimizer:
.. _DistributedDataParallel:
.. _join():
.. _ZeroRedundancyOptimizer: