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Path: blob/main/beginner_source/basics/
Views: 1017
"""1**Learn the Basics** ||2`Quickstart <quickstart_tutorial.html>`_ ||3`Tensors <tensorqs_tutorial.html>`_ ||4`Datasets & DataLoaders <data_tutorial.html>`_ ||5`Transforms <transforms_tutorial.html>`_ ||6`Build Model <buildmodel_tutorial.html>`_ ||7`Autograd <autogradqs_tutorial.html>`_ ||8`Optimization <optimization_tutorial.html>`_ ||9`Save & Load Model <saveloadrun_tutorial.html>`_1011Learn the Basics12===================1314Authors:15`Suraj Subramanian <>`_,16`Seth Juarez <>`_,17`Cassie Breviu <>`_,18`Dmitry Soshnikov <>`_,19`Ari Bornstein <>`_2021Most machine learning workflows involve working with data, creating models, optimizing model22parameters, and saving the trained models. This tutorial introduces you to a complete ML workflow23implemented in PyTorch, with links to learn more about each of these concepts.2425We'll use the FashionMNIST dataset to train a neural network that predicts if an input image belongs26to one of the following classes: T-shirt/top, Trouser, Pullover, Dress, Coat, Sandal, Shirt, Sneaker,27Bag, or Ankle boot.2829`This tutorial assumes a basic familiarity with Python and Deep Learning concepts.`303132Running the Tutorial Code33-------------------------34You can run this tutorial in a couple of ways:3536- **In the cloud**: This is the easiest way to get started! Each section has a "Run in Microsoft Learn" and "Run in Google Colab" link at the top, which opens an integrated notebook in Microsoft Learn or Google Colab, respectively, with the code in a fully-hosted environment.37- **Locally**: This option requires you to setup PyTorch and TorchVision first on your local machine (`installation instructions <>`_). Download the notebook or copy the code into your favorite IDE.383940How to Use this Guide41---------------------42If you're familiar with other deep learning frameworks, check out the `0. Quickstart <quickstart_tutorial.html>`_ first43to quickly familiarize yourself with PyTorch's API.4445If you're new to deep learning frameworks, head right into the first section of our step-by-step guide: `1. Tensors <tensor_tutorial.html>`_.464748.. include:: /beginner_source/basics/qs_toc.txt4950.. toctree::51:maxdepth: 252:hidden:5354quickstart_tutorial55tensorqs_tutorial56data_tutorial57transforms_tutorial58buildmodel_tutorial59autogradqs_tutorial60optimization_tutorial61saveloadrun_tutorial6263"""646566