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Welcome to PyTorch Tutorials ============================ **What's new in PyTorch tutorials?** * `Dynamic Compilation Control with torch.compiler.set_stance <>`__ * `Accelerating PyTorch Transformers by replacing nn.Transformer with Nested Tensors and torch.compile() <>`__ * `Understanding the torch.export Flow and Solutions to Common Challenges <>`__ * Updated `torch.export Tutorial <>`__ with automatic dynamic shapes ``Dim.AUTO`` * Updated `torch.export AOTInductor Tutorial for Python runtime <>`__ * Updated `Using User-Defined Triton Kernels with torch.compile <>`__ with new ``torch.library.triton_op`` .. raw:: html <div class="tutorials-callout-container"> <div class="row"> .. Add callout items below this line .. customcalloutitem:: :description: Familiarize yourself with PyTorch concepts and modules. Learn how to load data, build deep neural networks, train and save your models in this quickstart guide. :header: Learn the Basics :button_link: beginner/basics/intro.html :button_text: Get started with PyTorch .. customcalloutitem:: :description: Bite-size, ready-to-deploy PyTorch code examples. :header: PyTorch Recipes :button_link: recipes/recipes_index.html :button_text: Explore Recipes .. End of callout item section .. raw:: html </div> </div> <div id="tutorial-cards-container"> <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light tutorials-nav col-12"> <div class="tutorial-tags-container"> <div id="dropdown-filter-tags"> <div class="tutorial-filter-menu"> <div class="tutorial-filter filter-btn all-tag-selected" data-tag="all">All</div> </div> </div> </div> </nav> <hr class="tutorials-hr"> <div class="row"> <div id="tutorial-cards"> <div class="list"> .. Add tutorial cards below this line .. Learning PyTorch .. customcarditem:: :header: Learn the Basics :card_description: A step-by-step guide to building a complete ML workflow with PyTorch. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/60-min-blitz.png :link: beginner/basics/intro.html :tags: Getting-Started .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to PyTorch on YouTube :card_description: An introduction to building a complete ML workflow with PyTorch. Follows the PyTorch Beginner Series on YouTube. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: beginner/introyt/introyt_index.html :tags: Getting-Started .. customcarditem:: :header: Learning PyTorch with Examples :card_description: This tutorial introduces the fundamental concepts of PyTorch through self-contained examples. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/learning-pytorch-with-examples.png :link: beginner/pytorch_with_examples.html :tags: Getting-Started .. customcarditem:: :header: What is torch.nn really? :card_description: Use torch.nn to create and train a neural network. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torch-nn.png :link: beginner/nn_tutorial.html :tags: Getting-Started .. customcarditem:: :header: Visualizing Models, Data, and Training with TensorBoard :card_description: Learn to use TensorBoard to visualize data and model training. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/visualizing-with-tensorboard.png :link: intermediate/tensorboard_tutorial.html :tags: Interpretability,Getting-Started,TensorBoard .. customcarditem:: :header: Good usage of `non_blocking` and `pin_memory()` in PyTorch :card_description: A guide on best practices to copy data from CPU to GPU. :image: _static/img/pinmem.png :link: intermediate/pinmem_nonblock.html :tags: Getting-Started .. Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: TorchVision Object Detection Finetuning Tutorial :card_description: Finetune a pre-trained Mask R-CNN model. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/TorchVision-Object-Detection-Finetuning-Tutorial.png :link: intermediate/torchvision_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial :card_description: Train a convolutional neural network for image classification using transfer learning. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Transfer-Learning-for-Computer-Vision-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Optimizing Vision Transformer Model :card_description: Apply cutting-edge, attention-based transformer models to computer vision tasks. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/60-min-blitz.png :link: beginner/vt_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Adversarial Example Generation :card_description: Train a convolutional neural network for image classification using transfer learning. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Adversarial-Example-Generation.png :link: beginner/fgsm_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: DCGAN Tutorial :card_description: Train a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate new celebrities. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/DCGAN-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Spatial Transformer Networks Tutorial :card_description: Learn how to augment your network using a visual attention mechanism. :image: _static/img/stn/Five.gif :link: intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Inference on Whole Slide Images with TIAToolbox :card_description: Learn how to use the TIAToolbox to perform inference on whole slide images. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/TIAToolbox-Tutorial.png :link: intermediate/tiatoolbox_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Semi-Supervised Learning Tutorial Based on USB :card_description: Learn how to train semi-supervised learning algorithms (on custom data) using USB and PyTorch. :image: _static/img/usb_semisup_learn/code.png :link: advanced/usb_semisup_learn.html :tags: Image/Video .. Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio IO :card_description: Learn to load data with torchaudio. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_io_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio Resampling :card_description: Learn to resample audio waveforms using torchaudio. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_resampling_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio Data Augmentation :card_description: Learn to apply data augmentations using torchaudio. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_data_augmentation_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio Feature Extractions :card_description: Learn to extract features using torchaudio. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_feature_extractions_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio Feature Augmentation :card_description: Learn to augment features using torchaudio. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_feature_augmentation_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Audio Datasets :card_description: Learn to use torchaudio datasets. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-Tutorial.png :link: beginner/audio_datasets_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Automatic Speech Recognition with Wav2Vec2 in torchaudio :card_description: Learn how to use torchaudio's pretrained models for building a speech recognition application. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-asr.png :link: intermediate/speech_recognition_pipeline_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Speech Command Classification :card_description: Learn how to correctly format an audio dataset and then train/test an audio classifier network on the dataset. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-speech.png :link: intermediate/speech_command_classification_with_torchaudio_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Text-to-Speech with torchaudio :card_description: Learn how to use torchaudio's pretrained models for building a text-to-speech application. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-speech.png :link: intermediate/text_to_speech_with_torchaudio.html :tags: Audio .. customcarditem:: :header: Forced Alignment with Wav2Vec2 in torchaudio :card_description: Learn how to use torchaudio's Wav2Vec2 pretrained models for aligning text to speech :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/torchaudio-alignment.png :link: intermediate/forced_alignment_with_torchaudio_tutorial.html :tags: Audio .. NLP .. customcarditem:: :header: NLP from Scratch: Classifying Names with a Character-level RNN :card_description: Build and train a basic character-level RNN to classify word from scratch without the use of torchtext. First in a series of three tutorials. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/NLP-From-Scratch-Classifying-Names-with-a-Character-Level-RNN.png :link: intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial :tags: NLP .. customcarditem:: :header: NLP from Scratch: Generating Names with a Character-level RNN :card_description: After using character-level RNN to classify names, learn how to generate names from languages. Second in a series of three tutorials. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/NLP-From-Scratch-Generating-Names-with-a-Character-Level-RNN.png :link: intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial.html :tags: NLP .. customcarditem:: :header: NLP from Scratch: Translation with a Sequence-to-sequence Network and Attention :card_description: This is the third and final tutorial on doing “NLP From Scratch”, where we write our own classes and functions to preprocess the data to do our NLP modeling tasks. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/NLP-From-Scratch-Translation-with-a-Sequence-to-Sequence-Network-and-Attention.png :link: intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial.html :tags: NLP .. ONNX .. customcarditem:: :header: (optional) Exporting a PyTorch model to ONNX using TorchDynamo backend and Running it using ONNX Runtime :card_description: Build a image classifier model in PyTorch and convert it to ONNX before deploying it with ONNX Runtime. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Exporting-PyTorch-Models-to-ONNX-Graphs.png :link: beginner/onnx/export_simple_model_to_onnx_tutorial.html :tags: Production,ONNX,Backends .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to ONNX Registry :card_description: Demonstrate end-to-end how to address unsupported operators by using ONNX Registry. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Exporting-PyTorch-Models-to-ONNX-Graphs.png :link: advanced/onnx_registry_tutorial.html :tags: Production,ONNX,Backends .. Reinforcement Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Reinforcement Learning (DQN) :card_description: Learn how to use PyTorch to train a Deep Q Learning (DQN) agent on the CartPole-v0 task from the OpenAI Gym. :image: _static/img/cartpole.gif :link: intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Reinforcement Learning (PPO) with TorchRL :card_description: Learn how to use PyTorch and TorchRL to train a Proximal Policy Optimization agent on the Inverted Pendulum task from Gym. :image: _static/img/invpendulum.gif :link: intermediate/reinforcement_ppo.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Train a Mario-playing RL Agent :card_description: Use PyTorch to train a Double Q-learning agent to play Mario. :image: _static/img/mario.gif :link: intermediate/mario_rl_tutorial.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Recurrent DQN :card_description: Use TorchRL to train recurrent policies :image: _static/img/rollout_recurrent.png :link: intermediate/dqn_with_rnn_tutorial.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Code a DDPG Loss :card_description: Use TorchRL to code a DDPG Loss :image: _static/img/half_cheetah.gif :link: advanced/coding_ddpg.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. customcarditem:: :header: Writing your environment and transforms :card_description: Use TorchRL to code a Pendulum :image: _static/img/pendulum.gif :link: advanced/pendulum.html :tags: Reinforcement-Learning .. Deploying PyTorch Models in Production .. customcarditem:: :header: Deploying PyTorch in Python via a REST API with Flask :card_description: Deploy a PyTorch model using Flask and expose a REST API for model inference using the example of a pretrained DenseNet 121 model which detects the image. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Deploying-PyTorch-in-Python-via-a-REST-API-with-Flask.png :link: intermediate/flask_rest_api_tutorial.html :tags: Production .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to TorchScript :card_description: Introduction to TorchScript, an intermediate representation of a PyTorch model (subclass of nn.Module) that can then be run in a high-performance environment such as C++. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Introduction-to-TorchScript.png :link: beginner/Intro_to_TorchScript_tutorial.html :tags: Production,TorchScript .. customcarditem:: :header: Loading a TorchScript Model in C++ :card_description: Learn how PyTorch provides to go from an existing Python model to a serialized representation that can be loaded and executed purely from C++, with no dependency on Python. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Loading-a-TorchScript-Model-in-Cpp.png :link: advanced/cpp_export.html :tags: Production,TorchScript .. customcarditem:: :header: (optional) Exporting a PyTorch Model to ONNX using TorchScript backend and Running it using ONNX Runtime :card_description: Convert a model defined in PyTorch into the ONNX format and then run it with ONNX Runtime. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/optional-Exporting-a-Model-from-PyTorch-to-ONNX-and-Running-it-using-ONNX-Runtime.png :link: advanced/super_resolution_with_onnxruntime.html :tags: Production,ONNX .. customcarditem:: :header: Profiling PyTorch :card_description: Learn how to profile a PyTorch application :link: beginner/profiler.html :tags: Profiling .. customcarditem:: :header: Profiling PyTorch :card_description: Introduction to Holistic Trace Analysis :link: beginner/hta_intro_tutorial.html :tags: Profiling .. customcarditem:: :header: Profiling PyTorch :card_description: Trace Diff using Holistic Trace Analysis :link: beginner/hta_trace_diff_tutorial.html :tags: Profiling .. Code Transformations with FX .. customcarditem:: :header: Building a Convolution/Batch Norm fuser in FX :card_description: Build a simple FX pass that fuses batch norm into convolution to improve performance during inference. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Deploying-PyTorch-in-Python-via-a-REST-API-with-Flask.png :link: intermediate/fx_conv_bn_fuser.html :tags: FX .. customcarditem:: :header: Building a Simple Performance Profiler with FX :card_description: Build a simple FX interpreter to record the runtime of op, module, and function calls and report statistics :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Deploying-PyTorch-in-Python-via-a-REST-API-with-Flask.png :link: intermediate/fx_profiling_tutorial.html :tags: FX .. Frontend APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Channels Last Memory Format in PyTorch :card_description: Get an overview of Channels Last memory format and understand how it is used to order NCHW tensors in memory preserving dimensions. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/experimental-Channels-Last-Memory-Format-in-PyTorch.png :link: intermediate/memory_format_tutorial.html :tags: Memory-Format,Best-Practice,Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Using the PyTorch C++ Frontend :card_description: Walk through an end-to-end example of training a model with the C++ frontend by training a DCGAN – a kind of generative model – to generate images of MNIST digits. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Using-the-PyTorch-Cpp-Frontend.png :link: advanced/cpp_frontend.html :tags: Frontend-APIs,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: PyTorch Custom Operators Landing Page :card_description: This is the landing page for all things related to custom operators in PyTorch. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Custom-Cpp-and-CUDA-Extensions.png :link: advanced/custom_ops_landing_page.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++,CUDA .. customcarditem:: :header: Custom Python Operators :card_description: Create Custom Operators in Python. Useful for black-boxing a Python function for use with torch.compile. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Custom-Cpp-and-CUDA-Extensions.png :link: advanced/python_custom_ops.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++,CUDA .. customcarditem:: :header: Compiled Autograd: Capturing a larger backward graph for ``torch.compile`` :card_description: Learn how to use compiled autograd to capture a larger backward graph. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/compiled_autograd_tutorial :tags: Model-Optimization,CUDA .. customcarditem:: :header: Custom C++ and CUDA Operators :card_description: How to extend PyTorch with custom C++ and CUDA operators. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Custom-Cpp-and-CUDA-Extensions.png :link: advanced/cpp_custom_ops.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++,CUDA .. customcarditem:: :header: Custom C++ and CUDA Extensions :card_description: Create a neural network layer with no parameters using numpy. Then use scipy to create a neural network layer that has learnable weights. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Custom-Cpp-and-CUDA-Extensions.png :link: advanced/cpp_extension.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++,CUDA .. customcarditem:: :header: Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Operators :card_description: Implement a custom TorchScript operator in C++, how to build it into a shared library, how to use it in Python to define TorchScript models and lastly how to load it into a C++ application for inference workloads. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Extending-TorchScript-with-Custom-Cpp-Operators.png :link: advanced/torch_script_custom_ops.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,TorchScript,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Extending TorchScript with Custom C++ Classes :card_description: This is a continuation of the custom operator tutorial, and introduces the API we’ve built for binding C++ classes into TorchScript and Python simultaneously. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Extending-TorchScript-with-Custom-Cpp-Classes.png :link: advanced/torch_script_custom_classes.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,TorchScript,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Dynamic Parallelism in TorchScript :card_description: This tutorial introduces the syntax for doing *dynamic inter-op parallelism* in TorchScript. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/TorchScript-Parallelism.jpg :link: advanced/torch-script-parallelism.html :tags: Frontend-APIs,TorchScript,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Real Time Inference on Raspberry Pi 4 :card_description: This tutorial covers how to run quantized and fused models on a Raspberry Pi 4 at 30 fps. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/realtime_rpi.png :link: intermediate/realtime_rpi.html :tags: TorchScript,Model-Optimization,Image/Video,Quantization .. customcarditem:: :header: Autograd in C++ Frontend :card_description: The autograd package helps build flexible and dynamic nerural netorks. In this tutorial, exploreseveral examples of doing autograd in PyTorch C++ frontend :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Autograd-in-Cpp-Frontend.png :link: advanced/cpp_autograd.html :tags: Frontend-APIs,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Registering a Dispatched Operator in C++ :card_description: The dispatcher is an internal component of PyTorch which is responsible for figuring out what code should actually get run when you call a function like torch::add. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: advanced/dispatcher.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Extending Dispatcher For a New Backend in C++ :card_description: Learn how to extend the dispatcher to add a new device living outside of the pytorch/pytorch repo and maintain it to keep in sync with native PyTorch devices. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: advanced/extend_dispatcher.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Facilitating New Backend Integration by PrivateUse1 :card_description: Learn how to integrate a new backend living outside of the pytorch/pytorch repo and maintain it to keep in sync with the native PyTorch backend. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: advanced/privateuseone.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs,C++ .. customcarditem:: :header: Custom Function Tutorial: Double Backward :card_description: Learn how to write a custom autograd Function that supports double backward. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/custom_function_double_backward_tutorial.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Custom Function Tutorial: Fusing Convolution and Batch Norm :card_description: Learn how to create a custom autograd Function that fuses batch norm into a convolution to improve memory usage. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/custom_function_conv_bn_tutorial.html :tags: Extending-PyTorch,Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Forward-mode Automatic Differentiation :card_description: Learn how to use forward-mode automatic differentiation. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/forward_ad_usage.html :tags: Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Jacobians, Hessians, hvp, vhp, and more :card_description: Learn how to compute advanced autodiff quantities using torch.func :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/jacobians_hessians.html :tags: Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Model Ensembling :card_description: Learn how to ensemble models using torch.vmap :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/ensembling.html :tags: Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Per-Sample-Gradients :card_description: Learn how to compute per-sample-gradients using torch.func :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/per_sample_grads.html :tags: Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: Neural Tangent Kernels :card_description: Learn how to compute neural tangent kernels using torch.func :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/neural_tangent_kernels.html :tags: Frontend-APIs .. Model Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: Performance Profiling in PyTorch :card_description: Learn how to use the PyTorch Profiler to benchmark your module's performance. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/profiler.png :link: beginner/profiler.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice,Profiling .. customcarditem:: :header: Performance Profiling in TensorBoard :card_description: Learn how to use the TensorBoard plugin to profile and analyze your model's performance. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/profiler.png :link: intermediate/tensorboard_profiler_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice,Profiling,TensorBoard .. customcarditem:: :header: Hyperparameter Tuning Tutorial :card_description: Learn how to use Ray Tune to find the best performing set of hyperparameters for your model. :image: _static/img/ray-tune.png :link: beginner/hyperparameter_tuning_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice .. customcarditem:: :header: Parametrizations Tutorial :card_description: Learn how to use torch.nn.utils.parametrize to put constraints on your parameters (e.g. make them orthogonal, symmetric positive definite, low-rank...) :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/parametrizations.png :link: intermediate/parametrizations.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice .. customcarditem:: :header: Pruning Tutorial :card_description: Learn how to use torch.nn.utils.prune to sparsify your neural networks, and how to extend it to implement your own custom pruning technique. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Pruning-Tutorial.png :link: intermediate/pruning_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice .. customcarditem:: :header: How to save memory by fusing the optimizer step into the backward pass :card_description: Learn a memory-saving technique through fusing the optimizer step into the backward pass using memory snapshots. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/optimizer_step_in_backward_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice,CUDA,Frontend-APIs .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Accelerating BERT with semi-structured sparsity :card_description: Train BERT, prune it to be 2:4 sparse, and then accelerate it to achieve 2x inference speedups with semi-structured sparsity and torch.compile. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Pruning-Tutorial.png :link: advanced/semi_structured_sparse.html :tags: Text,Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Dynamic Quantization on an LSTM Word Language Model :card_description: Apply dynamic quantization, the easiest form of quantization, to a LSTM-based next word prediction model. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/experimental-Dynamic-Quantization-on-an-LSTM-Word-Language-Model.png :link: advanced/dynamic_quantization_tutorial.html :tags: Text,Quantization,Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Dynamic Quantization on BERT :card_description: Apply the dynamic quantization on a BERT (Bidirectional Embedding Representations from Transformers) model. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/experimental-Dynamic-Quantization-on-BERT.png :link: intermediate/dynamic_quantization_bert_tutorial.html :tags: Text,Quantization,Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Quantized Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial :card_description: Extends the Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial using a quantized model. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/60-min-blitz.png :link: intermediate/quantized_transfer_learning_tutorial.html :tags: Image/Video,Quantization,Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Static Quantization with Eager Mode in PyTorch :card_description: This tutorial shows how to do post-training static quantization. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/60-min-blitz.png :link: advanced/static_quantization_tutorial.html :tags: Quantization .. customcarditem:: :header: Grokking PyTorch Intel CPU Performance from First Principles :card_description: A case study on the TorchServe inference framework optimized with Intel® Extension for PyTorch. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/torchserve_with_ipex :tags: Model-Optimization,Production .. customcarditem:: :header: Grokking PyTorch Intel CPU Performance from First Principles (Part 2) :card_description: A case study on the TorchServe inference framework optimized with Intel® Extension for PyTorch (Part 2). :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/torchserve_with_ipex_2 :tags: Model-Optimization,Production .. customcarditem:: :header: Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search with Ax :card_description: Learn how to use Ax to search over architectures find optimal tradeoffs between accuracy and latency. :image: _static/img/ax_logo.png :link: intermediate/ax_multiobjective_nas_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Best-Practice,Ax,TorchX .. customcarditem:: :header: torch.compile Tutorial :card_description: Speed up your models with minimal code changes using torch.compile, the latest PyTorch compiler solution. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/torch_compile_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: Inductor CPU Backend Debugging and Profiling :card_description: Learn the usage, debugging and performance profiling for ``torch.compile`` with Inductor CPU backend. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/generic-pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/inductor_debug_cpu.html :tags: Model-Optimization .. customcarditem:: :header: (beta) Implementing High-Performance Transformers with SCALED DOT PRODUCT ATTENTION :card_description: This tutorial explores the new torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention and how it can be used to construct Transformer components. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/scaled_dot_product_attention_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Attention,Transformer .. customcarditem:: :header: Knowledge Distillation in Convolutional Neural Networks :card_description: Learn how to improve the accuracy of lightweight models using more powerful models as teachers. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/knowledge_distillation_pytorch_logo.png :link: beginner/knowledge_distillation_tutorial.html :tags: Model-Optimization,Image/Video .. customcarditem:: :header: Accelerating PyTorch Transformers by replacing nn.Transformer with Nested Tensors and torch.compile() :card_description: This tutorial goes over recommended best practices for implementing Transformers with native PyTorch. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/pytorch-logo.png :link: intermediate/transformer_building_blocks.html :tags: Transformer .. Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: PyTorch Distributed Overview :card_description: Briefly go over all concepts and features in the distributed package. Use this document to find the distributed training technology that can best serve your application. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/PyTorch-Distributed-Overview.png :link: beginner/dist_overview.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Distributed Data Parallel in PyTorch - Video Tutorials :card_description: This series of video tutorials walks you through distributed training in PyTorch via DDP. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/PyTorch-Distributed-Overview.png :link: beginner/ddp_series_intro.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Single-Machine Model Parallel Best Practices :card_description: Learn how to implement model parallel, a distributed training technique which splits a single model onto different GPUs, rather than replicating the entire model on each GPU :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Model-Parallel-Best-Practices.png :link: intermediate/model_parallel_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Getting Started with Distributed Data Parallel :card_description: Learn the basics of when to use distributed data paralle versus data parallel and work through an example to set it up. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Getting-Started-with-Distributed-Data-Parallel.png :link: intermediate/ddp_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch :card_description: Set up the distributed package of PyTorch, use the different communication strategies, and go over some the internals of the package. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Writing-Distributed-Applications-with-PyTorch.png :link: intermediate/dist_tuto.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Large Scale Transformer model training with Tensor Parallel :card_description: Learn how to train large models with Tensor Parallel package. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Large-Scale-Transformer-model-training-with-Tensor-Parallel.png :link: intermediate/TP_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Customize Process Group Backends Using Cpp Extensions :card_description: Extend ProcessGroup with custom collective communication implementations. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Customize-Process-Group-Backends-Using-Cpp-Extensions.png :link: intermediate/process_group_cpp_extension_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Getting Started with Distributed RPC Framework :card_description: Learn how to build distributed training using the torch.distributed.rpc package. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Getting Started with Distributed-RPC-Framework.png :link: intermediate/rpc_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Implementing a Parameter Server Using Distributed RPC Framework :card_description: Walk through a through a simple example of implementing a parameter server using PyTorch’s Distributed RPC framework. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Implementing-a-Parameter-Server-Using-Distributed-RPC-Framework.png :link: intermediate/rpc_param_server_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to Distributed Pipeline Parallelism :card_description: Demonstrate how to implement pipeline parallelism using torch.distributed.pipelining :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Introduction-to-Distributed-Pipeline-Parallelism.png :link: intermediate/pipelining_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Implementing Batch RPC Processing Using Asynchronous Executions :card_description: Learn how to use rpc.functions.async_execution to implement batch RPC :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Implementing-Batch-RPC-Processing-Using-Asynchronous-Executions.png :link: intermediate/rpc_async_execution.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Combining Distributed DataParallel with Distributed RPC Framework :card_description: Walk through a through a simple example of how to combine distributed data parallelism with distributed model parallelism. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Combining-Distributed-DataParallel-with-Distributed-RPC-Framework.png :link: advanced/rpc_ddp_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Getting Started with Fully Sharded Data Parallel(FSDP) :card_description: Learn how to train models with Fully Sharded Data Parallel package. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Getting-Started-with-FSDP.png :link: intermediate/FSDP_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Advanced Model Training with Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) :card_description: Explore advanced model training with Fully Sharded Data Parallel package. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Getting-Started-with-FSDP.png :link: intermediate/FSDP_advanced_tutorial.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to Libuv TCPStore Backend :card_description: TCPStore now uses a new server backend for faster connection and better scalability. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/cropped/Introduction-to-Libuv-Backend-TCPStore.png :link: intermediate/TCPStore_libuv_backend.html :tags: Parallel-and-Distributed-Training .. Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Exporting to ExecuTorch Tutorial :card_description: Learn about how to use ExecuTorch, a unified ML stack for lowering PyTorch models to edge devices. :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Running an ExecuTorch Model in C++ Tutorial :card_description: Learn how to load and execute an ExecuTorch model in C++ :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Using the ExecuTorch SDK to Profile a Model :card_description: Explore how to use the ExecuTorch SDK to profile, debug, and visualize ExecuTorch models :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Building an ExecuTorch iOS Demo App :card_description: Explore how to set up the ExecuTorch iOS Demo App, which uses the MobileNet v3 model to process live camera images leveraging three different backends: XNNPACK, Core ML, and Metal Performance Shaders (MPS). :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Building an ExecuTorch Android Demo App :card_description: Learn how to set up the ExecuTorch Android Demo App for image segmentation tasks using the DeepLab v3 model and XNNPACK FP32 backend. :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. customcarditem:: :header: Lowering a Model as a Delegate :card_description: Learn to accelerate your program using ExecuTorch by applying delegates through three methods: lowering the whole module, composing it with another module, and partitioning parts of a module. :image: _static/img/ExecuTorch-Logo-cropped.svg :link: :tags: Edge .. Recommendation Systems .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to TorchRec :card_description: TorchRec is a PyTorch domain library built to provide common sparsity & parallelism primitives needed for large-scale recommender systems. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/torchrec.png :link: intermediate/torchrec_intro_tutorial.html :tags: TorchRec,Recommender .. customcarditem:: :header: Exploring TorchRec sharding :card_description: This tutorial covers the sharding schemes of embedding tables by using <code>EmbeddingPlanner</code> and <code>DistributedModelParallel</code> API. :image: _static/img/thumbnails/torchrec.png :link: advanced/sharding.html :tags: TorchRec,Recommender .. Multimodality .. customcarditem:: :header: Introduction to TorchMultimodal :card_description: TorchMultimodal is a library that provides models, primitives and examples for training multimodal tasks :image: _static/img/thumbnails/torchrec.png :link: beginner/flava_finetuning_tutorial.html :tags: TorchMultimodal .. End of tutorial card section .. raw:: html </div> <div class="pagination d-flex justify-content-center"></div> </div> </div> <br> <br> Additional Resources ============================ .. raw:: html <div class="tutorials-callout-container"> <div class="row"> .. Add callout items below this line .. customcalloutitem:: :header: Examples of PyTorch :description: A set of examples around PyTorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning that you can incorporate in your existing work. :button_link: :button_text: Check Out Examples .. customcalloutitem:: :header: PyTorch Cheat Sheet :description: Quick overview to essential PyTorch elements. :button_link: beginner/ptcheat.html :button_text: Open .. customcalloutitem:: :header: Tutorials on GitHub :description: Access PyTorch Tutorials from GitHub. :button_link: :button_text: Go To GitHub .. customcalloutitem:: :header: Run Tutorials on Google Colab :description: Learn how to copy tutorial data into Google Drive so that you can run tutorials on Google Colab. :button_link: beginner/colab.html :button_text: Open .. End of callout section .. raw:: html </div> </div> <div style='clear:both'></div> .. ----------------------------------------- .. Page TOC .. ----------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: PyTorch Recipes See All Recipes <recipes/recipes_index> See All Prototype Recipes <prototype/prototype_index> .. toctree:: :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: Introduction to PyTorch beginner/basics/intro beginner/introyt/introyt_index .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: Learning PyTorch beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz beginner/pytorch_with_examples beginner/nn_tutorial intermediate/nlp_from_scratch_index intermediate/tensorboard_tutorial intermediate/pinmem_nonblock .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Image and Video intermediate/torchvision_tutorial beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial beginner/fgsm_tutorial beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial beginner/vt_tutorial intermediate/tiatoolbox_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Audio beginner/audio_io_tutorial beginner/audio_resampling_tutorial beginner/audio_data_augmentation_tutorial beginner/audio_feature_extractions_tutorial beginner/audio_feature_augmentation_tutorial beginner/audio_datasets_tutorial intermediate/speech_recognition_pipeline_tutorial intermediate/speech_command_classification_with_torchaudio_tutorial intermediate/text_to_speech_with_torchaudio intermediate/forced_alignment_with_torchaudio_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Backends beginner/onnx/intro_onnx .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Reinforcement Learning intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning intermediate/reinforcement_ppo intermediate/mario_rl_tutorial advanced/pendulum .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Deploying PyTorch Models in Production beginner/onnx/intro_onnx intermediate/flask_rest_api_tutorial beginner/Intro_to_TorchScript_tutorial advanced/cpp_export advanced/super_resolution_with_onnxruntime intermediate/realtime_rpi .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Profiling PyTorch beginner/profiler beginner/hta_intro_tutorial beginner/hta_trace_diff_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Code Transforms with FX intermediate/fx_conv_bn_fuser intermediate/fx_profiling_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Frontend APIs intermediate/memory_format_tutorial intermediate/forward_ad_usage intermediate/jacobians_hessians intermediate/ensembling intermediate/per_sample_grads intermediate/ advanced/cpp_frontend advanced/torch-script-parallelism advanced/cpp_autograd .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Extending PyTorch advanced/custom_ops_landing_page advanced/python_custom_ops advanced/cpp_custom_ops intermediate/custom_function_double_backward_tutorial intermediate/custom_function_conv_bn_tutorial advanced/cpp_extension advanced/torch_script_custom_ops advanced/torch_script_custom_classes advanced/dispatcher advanced/extend_dispatcher advanced/privateuseone .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Model Optimization beginner/profiler intermediate/tensorboard_profiler_tutorial beginner/hyperparameter_tuning_tutorial beginner/vt_tutorial intermediate/parametrizations intermediate/pruning_tutorial advanced/dynamic_quantization_tutorial intermediate/dynamic_quantization_bert_tutorial intermediate/quantized_transfer_learning_tutorial advanced/static_quantization_tutorial intermediate/torchserve_with_ipex intermediate/torchserve_with_ipex_2 intermediate/nvfuser_intro_tutorial intermediate/ax_multiobjective_nas_tutorial intermediate/torch_compile_tutorial intermediate/compiled_autograd_tutorial intermediate/inductor_debug_cpu intermediate/scaled_dot_product_attention_tutorial beginner/knowledge_distillation_tutorial .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Parallel and Distributed Training distributed/home beginner/dist_overview beginner/ddp_series_intro intermediate/model_parallel_tutorial intermediate/ddp_tutorial intermediate/dist_tuto intermediate/FSDP_tutorial intermediate/FSDP_advanced_tutorial intermediate/TCPStore_libuv_backend intermediate/TP_tutorial intermediate/pipelining_tutorial intermediate/process_group_cpp_extension_tutorial intermediate/rpc_tutorial intermediate/rpc_param_server_tutorial intermediate/rpc_async_execution advanced/rpc_ddp_tutorial advanced/generic_join .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Edge with ExecuTorch Exporting to ExecuTorch Tutorial <> Running an ExecuTorch Model in C++ Tutorial <> Using the ExecuTorch SDK to Profile a Model <> Building an ExecuTorch iOS Demo App <> Building an ExecuTorch Android Demo App <> Lowering a Model as a Delegate <> .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Recommendation Systems intermediate/torchrec_intro_tutorial advanced/sharding .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Multimodality beginner/flava_finetuning_tutorial