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Large Scale Transformer model training with Tensor Parallel (TP)

**Author**: `Wanchao Liang <>`__, `Tianyu Liu <>`__

.. note::
   |edit| View and edit this tutorial in `github <>`__.

This tutorial demonstrates how to train a large Transformer-like model across hundreds to thousands of GPUs using Tensor Parallel and Fully Sharded Data Parallel.


- PyTorch 2.3.0 or later installed with CUDA/Linux
-  `Tensor Parallel APIs <>`__
-  `Getting Started with DeviceMesh <>`__
-  `Getting Started with Fully Sharded Data Parallel <>`__

How Tensor Parallel works?
Tensor Parallel (TP) was originally proposed in the `Megatron-LM <>`__ paper,
and it is an efficient model parallelism technique to train large scale Transformer models.
`Sequence Parallel <>`__ (SP) we mention in this tutorial is a variant of Tensor
Parallel that shards on the sequence dimension for ``nn.LayerNorm`` or ``RMSNorm`` to further save activation memory
during training. As the model becomes larger, the activation memory becomes the bottleneck, so in Tensor
Parallel training it usually applies Sequence Parallel to ``LayerNorm`` or ``RMSNorm`` layers.

.. figure:: /_static/img/distributed/megatron_lm.png
   :width: 100%
   :align: center
   :alt: Megatron-LM TP

   Figure 1. represents the sharding in Tensor Parallel style on a Transformer model’s MLP and Self-Attention layer, where the matrix multiplications in both attention/MLP happens through sharded computations (`image source <>`__)

At a high level, PyTorch Tensor Parallel works as follows:

**Sharding initialization**

* Determine which ``ParallelStyle`` to apply to each layer and shard the initialized module by calling ``parallelize_module``.
* The parallelized modules would have their model parameters be swapped to DTensors, and DTensor would be responsible to run the parallelized module using sharded computation.

**Runtime foward/backward**

* Depending on the input/outputs DTensor layouts user specified for each ``ParallelStyle``, it would run proper communication operation to transform the DTensor layouts for inputs/outputs (such as ``allreduce``, ``allgather`` and ``reduce_scatter``).
* Run sharded computation for the parallelized layers to save compute/memory (for example, ``nn.Linear``, ``nn.Embedding``).

When and Why you should apply Tensor Parallel
The PyTorch Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) already has the capability to scale model training to a specific
number of GPUs. However, when it comes to further scale the model training in terms of model size and GPU quantity,
many additional challenges arise that may require combining Tensor Parallel with FSDP.:

1. As the world size (number of GPUs) is becoming excessively large (exceeding 128/256 GPUs), the FSDP collectives (such as ``allgather``) are being dominated by ring latency.
   By implementing TP/SP on top of FSDP, the FSDP world size could be reduced by 8 by applying FSDP to be inter-host only, consequently decreasing the latency costs by the same amount.
2. Hit data parallelism limit where you can not raise the global batch size to be above the number of GPUs due to both convergence and GPU memory limitations, Tensor/Sequence Parallel
   is the only known way to “ballpark” the global batch size and continue scaling with more GPUs. This means both model size and number of GPUs could continue to scale.
3. For certain types of models, when local batch size becomes smaller, TP/SP can yield matrix multiplication shapes that are more optimized for floating point operations (FLOPS).

So, when pre-training, how easy is it to hit those limits? As of now, pre-training a Large Language Model (LLM) with billions or trillions of tokens could take months, even when using thousands of GPUs.

* It will always hit limitation 1 when training LLM on a large scale. For example, Llama 2 70B trained with 2k GPUs for 35 days, multi-dimensional parallelisms are needed at 2k scale.
* When the Transformer model becomes larger (such as Llama2 70B), it will also quickly hit the limitation 2. One could not use FSDP alone with even local ``batch_size=1`` due to memory
  and convergence constraints. For example, Llama 2 global batch size is 1K, so data parallelism alone can not be used at 2K GPUs.

How to apply Tensor Parallel

PyTorch Tensor Parallel APIs offers a set of module level primitives (``ParallelStyle``) to configure the sharding for each individual layers of the model, including:

* ``ColwiseParallel`` and ``RowwiseParallel``: Shard the ``nn.Linear`` and ``nn.Embedding`` in the column or row fashion.
* ``SequenceParallel``: Perform sharded computations on ``nn.LayerNorm``, ``nn.Dropout``, ``RMSNormPython``, etc.
* ``PrepareModuleInput`` and ``PrepareModuleOutput``: Configure the module inputs/outputs sharding layouts with proper communication operations.

To demonstrate how to use the PyTorch native Tensor Parallel APIs, let us look at a common Transformer model. In this tutorial, we use the most recent `Llama2 model <>`__ as a reference Transformer model implementation, as it is also widely used in the community.

Since Tensor Parallel shard individual tensors over a set of devices, we would need to set up the distributed environment (such as NCCL communicators) first.
Tensor Parallelism is a Single-Program Multiple-Data (SPMD) sharding algorithm similar to PyTorch DDP/FSDP, and it under the hood leverages the PyTorch DTensor
to perform sharding. It also utilizes the DeviceMesh abstraction (which under the hood manages ProcessGroups) for device management and sharding.
To see how to utilize DeviceMesh to set up multi-dimensional parallelisms, please refer to `this tutorial <>`__. Tensor Parallel usually works within each host, so let us first initialize a DeviceMesh that connects 8 GPUs within a host.

.. code-block:: python

    from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh

    tp_mesh = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8,))

Now that we have initialized DeviceMesh, let us take a detailed look at the Llama 2 model architecture and see how we should perform the Tensor Parallel sharding.
Here we focus on the core ``TransformerBlock``, where the Transformer model stacks the identical ``TransformerBlock`` s to scale up the model.

The core ``TransformerBlock`` consists of an ``Attention`` layer and a ``FeedForward`` layer. Let us first look at the simpler ``FeedForward`` layer.
For the ``FeedForward`` Layer it consists of three Linear layers, where it performs a SwiGLU style MLP, looking at its forward function:

.. code-block:: python

    # forward in the FeedForward layer
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.w2(F.silu(self.w1(x)) * self.w3(x))

It performs ``w1`` and ``w3`` matmuls concurrently and followed by a ``w2`` matmul with the result of the combined w1/w3 linear projection results. This means we could
use the idea from the Tensor Parallelism paper to shard the w1/w3 Linear layers in the colwise fashion and shard the ``w2`` Linear layer in the rowwise fashion, so that
there is only one ``allreduce`` communication happening at the end of all the three layers. With the PyTorch native Tensor Parallel, we can simply create a ``parallelize_plan`` for the ``FeedForward`` layer like below:

.. code-block:: python

    from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import ColwiseParallel, RowwiseParallel, parallelize_module

    layer_tp_plan = {
        # by default ColwiseParallel input layouts is replicated
        # and RowwiseParallel output layouts is replicated
        "feed_foward.w1": ColwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w2": RowwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w3": ColwiseParallel(),

That's simply how we configure the shardings for the ``FeedForward`` layer using the PyTorch Tensor Parallel APIs. Note that users would only need to specify how to shard the individual layers and the communications (for example, ``allreduce``) will happen under the hood.

Moving on to the ``Attention`` Layer. It consists of ``wq``, ``wk``, ``wv`` Linear layers to project input to ``q``/ ``k`` / ``v``, and then it performs attention and output projection with the ``wo`` Linear layer. Tensor Parallelism here intends to perform column-wise sharding for the
q/k/v projection and row-wise sharding for the ``wo`` linear projection. So we can add the Attention plan to the ``tp_plan`` that we just drafted up:

.. code-block:: python

    layer_tp_plan = {
        # by default ColwiseParallel input layouts is replicated
        # and RowwiseParallel output layouts is replicated
        "attention.wq": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wk": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wv": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wo": RowwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w1": ColwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w2": RowwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w3": ColwiseParallel(),

This is almost the ``layer_tp_plan`` we need to apply Tensor Parallelism to the ``TransformerBlock``. However, one thing we should be aware is that when sharding the linear layer column-wise, the output of the linear layers would become sharded on the last tensor dimension, and the row-wise sharding linear layer directly accepts an input that shards on the last dimension.
If there are any more tensor operations (such as view operations) between the column-wise linear and the row-wise linear, we would need to adjust the relevant shape related ops to sharded shape.

For the Llama model, in the attention layer there are couple of view operations that are shape related. In particular, column-wise parallel for ``wq``/ ``wk``/ ``wv`` linear layers, the activation tensor is sharded on the ``num_heads`` dimension, so we would need to adjust the ``num_heads`` to local ``num_heads``.

Finally, we need to call ``parallelize_module`` API to make the plan for each ``TransformerBlock`` effective. Under the hood, it distributes the model parameters inside ``Attention`` and ``FeedForward`` layers to DTensors, and registers communication hooks for model inputs and outputs (before and after each module respectively), if necessary:

.. code-block:: python

    for layer_id, transformer_block in enumerate(model.layers):
        layer_tp_plan = {...}  # i.e. the plan we just generated

        # Adjust attention module to use the local number of heads
        attn_layer = transformer_block.attention
        attn_layer.n_heads = attn_layer.n_heads // tp_mesh.size()
        attn_layer.n_kv_heads = attn_layer.n_kv_heads // tp_mesh.size()


Now that we have elaborated the sharding plan for each ``TransformerBlock``, there is usually a ``nn.Embedding`` in the first layer and a final ``nn.Linear`` projection layer, where user could choose row-wise or column-wise sharding to the first ``nn.Embedding`` and column-wise sharding to the last ``nn.Linear`` projection layer with proper input and output layouts specified.
Here is an example:

.. code-block:: python

    model = parallelize_module(
            "tok_embeddings": RowwiseParallel(
            "output": ColwiseParallel(

.. note::
	If the model to be partitioned is too large to fit into CPU memory, one could either use ``meta`` device initialization (for example, initialize the model on meta device first, shard the layers, and the materialize the model), or parallelize the ``TransformerBlock`` layer by layer during the Transformer model initialization.

Apply Sequence Parallel to ``LayerNorm/RMSNorm`` layers

Sequence Parallel works on top of the Tensor Parallel illustrated above. Compared with basic Tensor Parallel, which only shards tensors within the ``Attention`` modules and ``FeedForward`` modules and keep their module inputs and outputs (namely activations in the forward pass and gradients in the backward pass) replicated, Sequence Parallel keeps them sharded on the sequence dimension.

In a typical ``TransformerBlock``, the forward function combines norm layers (``LayerNorm`` or ``RMSNorm``), an attention layer, a feed forward layer, and residual connections. For example:

.. code-block:: python

    # forward in a TransformerBlock
    def forward(self, x):
        h = x + self.attention(self.attention_norm(x))
        out = h + self.feed_forward(self.ffn_norm(h))
        return out

In most use cases, the activations (and gradients) are of the shape ``[batch size, sequence length, hidden dimension]`` outside the ``Attention`` and ``FeedForward`` modules. In the DTensor’s language, Sequence Parallel performs activation computation using the ``Shard(1)`` layout for both forward/backward of the module.
Following the code example earlier, the code below demonstrates how we apply Sequence Parallel to the norm layers within a ``TransformerBlock``:

First let's import the required dependencies for Sequence Parallel:

.. code-block:: python

    from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import (

Next let's adjust the ``layer_tp_plan`` to enable sequence parallel on the ``RMSNorm`` layers:

.. code-block:: python

    layer_tp_plan = {
        # Now the input and output of SequenceParallel has Shard(1) layouts,
        # to represent the input/output tensors sharded on the sequence dimension
        "attention_norm": SequenceParallel(),
        "attention": PrepareModuleInput(
        "attention.wq": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wk": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wv": ColwiseParallel(),
        "attention.wo": RowwiseParallel(output_layouts=Shard(1)),
        "ffn_norm": SequenceParallel(),
        "feed_forward": PrepareModuleInput(
        "feed_forward.w1": ColwiseParallel(),
        "feed_forward.w2": RowwiseParallel(output_layouts=Shard(1)),
        "feed_forward.w3": ColwiseParallel(),

One can see we now use ``PrepareModuleInput`` to modify the module input layouts to the Attention and FeedForward layers from ``Shard(1)`` to ``Replicate()``, and mark their output layouts as ``Shard(1)``.
Just like what happens to Tensor Parallelism, one only needs to specify the tensor sharding layouts of the inputs and outputs, and the communication between layers will happen automatically.

Note that with Sequence Parallel, we assume the inputs and outputs of a ``TransformerBlock`` are always sharded on the sequence dimension, so that multiple ``TransformerBlocks`` can be concatenated seamlessly.
This can be facilitated by explicitly specifying the output of the beginning ``nn.Embedding`` layer and the input of the final ``nn.Linear`` projection layer to be ``Shard(1)``:

.. code-block:: python

    model = parallelize_module(
            "tok_embeddings": RowwiseParallel(
            "norm": SequenceParallel(),
            "output": ColwiseParallel(

Apply Loss Parallel

Loss Parallel is a related technique to save memory and communication when the loss function is computed, as model outputs are usually very large. In Loss Parallel, when the model outputs are sharded on the (often huge) vocabulary dimension, the cross-entropy loss can be computed efficiently, without gathering all the model outputs to every single GPU. This not only significantly reduces the memory consumption, but also improves training speed by reducing communication overhead and doing sharded computation in parallel. The picture below briefly illustrates how Loss Parallel avoids gathering all model outputs to every GPU by doing sharded computation.

.. figure:: /_static/img/distributed/loss_parallel.png
   :width: 100%
   :align: center
   :alt: loss parallel

   Figure 2. Cross-entropy loss forward computation with loss parallel on one GPU. Blue represents sharded tensors; green represents replicated tensors; yellow represents tensors with partial values (to be all-reduced). Black arrows are local computations; red arrows are functional collectives among GPUs.

In the PyTorch Tensor Parallel API, Loss Parallel can be enabled via a context manager ``loss_parallel``, with which one can directly use ``torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy`` or ``torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss`` without modifying other parts of their code.

To apply Loss Parallel, the model predictions, usually of the shape ``[batch size, sequence length, vocabulary size]``, should be sharded on the vocabulary dimension. This can be easily done via marking the output layouts of the last linear projection layer output:

.. code-block:: python

    model = parallelize_module(
            "tok_embeddings": RowwiseParallel(
            "norm": SequenceParallel(),
            "output": ColwiseParallel(
                # use DTensor as the output

In the code above, we also apply Sequence Parallel to the norm layer before output. We apply ``use_local_output=False`` to let the output stay as a DTensor, to work with the ``loss_parallel`` context manager. After that, one can simply call the cross_entropy loss function as is shown below. Note that the backward computation also needs to happen within the context.

.. code-block:: python

    import torch.nn.functional as F
    from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import loss_parallel

    pred = model(input_ids)
    with loss_parallel():
        # assuming pred and labels are of the shape [batch, seq, vocab]
        loss = F.cross_entropy(pred.flatten(0, 1), labels.flatten(0, 1))

Combine Tensor Parallel with Fully Sharded Data Parallel together

Now that we have shown how to apply Tensor/Sequence Parallel to the model, let us also take a look at how Tensor Parallel and Fully Sharded Data Parallel could work together.
Since Tensor Parallelism incurs communications that block the computation, we want to make sure it runs within a fast communication channel, such as NVLink.
In practice, we usually apply Tensor Parallel within each host, and apply Fully Sharded Data Parallel across the hosts.

.. figure:: /_static/img/distributed/fsdp_tp.png
   :width: 100%
   :align: center
   :alt: fsdp + tp

   Figure 3. FSDP and TP work on separate device dimensions, FSDP communication happens inter-host and TP communication happens intra-host.

This 2-D parallelism pattern can be easily expressed via a 2-D DeviceMesh, and we just need pass each “sub” DeviceMesh to each individual parallelism APIs:

.. code-block:: python

    from torch.distributed.device_mesh import init_device_mesh
    from torch.distributed.tensor.parallel import ColwiseParallel, RowwiseParallel, parallelize_module
    from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP

    # i.e. 2-D mesh is [dp, tp], training on 64 GPUs that performs 8 way DP and 8 way TP
    mesh_2d = init_device_mesh("cuda", (8, 8))
    tp_mesh = mesh_2d["tp"] # a submesh that connects intra-host devices
    dp_mesh = mesh_2d["dp"] # a submesh that connects inter-host devices

    model = Model(...)

    tp_plan = {...}

    # apply Tensor Parallel intra-host on tp_mesh
    model_tp = parallelize_module(model, tp_mesh, tp_plan)
    # apply FSDP inter-host on dp_mesh
    model_2d = FSDP(model_tp, device_mesh=dp_mesh, use_orig_params=True, ...)

This would allow us to easily apply Tensor Parallel within each host (intra-host) and apply FSDP across hosts (inter-hosts), with **0-code changes** to the Llama model.
The Tensor(Model) Parallel and Data Parallel techniques combined together provides the ability to continue increasing model size and training efficiently using a large number of GPUs.

This tutorial demonstrates how to train a large Transformer-like model across hundreds to thousands of GPUs using Tensor Parallel in combination with Fully Sharded Data Parallel.
It explains how to apply Tensor Parallel to different parts of the model, with **no code changes** to the model itself. Tensor Parallel is a efficient model parallelism technique for large scale training.

To see the complete end-to-end code example explained in this tutorial, please refer to the `Tensor Parallel examples <>`__ in the pytorch/examples repository.